Saturday 14 July 2012

May the odds be EVER in your favour!

So if you are unfamiliar to that quote up there ^^ -

then get off my blog. Before I punch you in the face (but not really).

Primrose Everdeen, at her first ever Games, is selected to compete in the 74th Hunger Games. At just 12 years of age, she was going to have to fight literally for her life whilst killing off fellow tributes aged between 12 and 18.

Until Katniss Everdeen, 16, volunteered to take her sister's place.
The same Katniss Everdeen who was to draw the poisonous berries in the finale, and start an uprising.

Accidentally, of course.

This is such a well written book, it has lots of cliff hangers to keep you turning pages and the characters are unbelievably detailed.

Suzanne Collins has written the whole trilogy in such a way that intrigues the reader, and sparks that interest. You are not reading a book. You are reading a whole world.

Genuinely a great read, though don't compare it to the film! They're both amazing for a number of completely different reasons!


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