Friday 29 June 2012

More than what it says on the tin

At the moment, I'm reading Kissed by an Angel, written by Elizabeth Chandler.
I've read this book so many times; even though it's a fairly thick book, I can read it within a week.

And I must say: it's a book of pure awesome.

It has so many elements to it, such as crime, murder, a certain edge of gore and mystery. Though, I hate the title!

I hate how it gives the completely wrong impression about the book, and although it does have angels as a strong feature, actually kissing an angel is only one sentence in the book! It's so much better than some mediocre romance novel about 'some girl who is well sad about her boyfriend's death or somefink'.

For the last time, haters, IT IS NOT A ROMANCE NOVEL.

It is a geniunely complicated book about a girl called Ivy, who witnessed a murder.

Obviously (as a witness) the murderer seeks out Ivy, to silence her, ending in the crash of Ivy's car and the death of her first love Tristan, along with her faith in angels.
Itzz so gooooooood ;D


  1. techniqually hun, it is a romance... except the guys dead... and he is trying to talk to her through other people >.< which is kinda spooky when you think about it :P

    LOVE YOUUUU!!!!!!!

    1. Yes, it does have the element of romance in it, but I'm just trying to present it as so much more than that, because personally, I think the book would be fine without all the romance ;)
